Friday, June 29, 2012

Miracle of Rain

  1. 1.      The average rapidity of the rain drop is only 8-10 km/h.
  1. 2.      The water falls to the earth in low rapidity  because rain drops have special shape that increase atmosphere friction’s effect and help rain falls to earth in lower rapidity.
  1. 3.      The minimum height of the rain cloud is 1.200 m.
  1. 4.      The effect of a drop of rain that falls from that height (1.200 m) is equal to a kg thing that falls from 15 cm height.
  1. 5.      The rain cloud also can be found in 10.000 m height.
  1. 6.      In 1 second, around 16 tons water evaporates from earth.
  1. 7.      This quantity (16 tons) is equal to the quantity of the water that falls to earth in 1 second. In a year, it is assumed that this quantity is getting to 505*1012 tons. Water keeps turning within its balanced cycle based on its “dosage.”
  1. 8.      The granules of rain drop change its shape hundreds times per second.
  1. 9.      If the granule of the rainfall is frozen, it will form a piece of beautiful crystal, different from common water that is frozen in freezer.
  1. 10.  After the rainfall, ground, coarse grasses, and weeds will expel special characteristics aroma. This aromatic smell called “Petrichor.”
  1. 11.  Rain has hypnotizing ability that can hypnotize the human to resonate the past memories. And without be able to get the scientific evidences, the scientists only can conclude this; “Within the rain, exist songs that can only be heard by them who are yearning.” And at this rate, the scientists believe that ordinarily human get inspiration.



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